About Us

Inclusive communication experts

Our team draws on many years of experience with conscious, anti-racist, and gender-inclusive communication. Our expertise is grounded in research and informed by real-world experience in coaching, organizational development, marketing, and communication.

The Fairlanguage Team

We merged with the linguistic consultancy LUB at the beginning of 2023.
You can therefore find a list of all team members on the LUB homepage.

What we stand for

We believe that language shapes reality and our behavior. How we communicate influences our social interactions and society: that why it's important to address discriminatory structures in language.

Not being acknowledged in language means you’re out of sight and out of mind. Being invisible, unvalued, and forgotten leads to being left out of the social structures and professional environments.

We are committed to increasing awareness of inclusive language without being prescriptive or dogmatic. We provide opportunities to how to communicate more consciously – to break down barriers to more authentic, inclusive and effective communication.

Where does the name Fairlanguage come from?

When we founded Fairlanguage, we had many different ideas about how to name the company.

In the end, we decided on Fairlanguage because it expressed what we wanted to create: Making language more fair and equitable.

We believe in a just and diverse society in which all people can participate. Inclusive language is how we are doing our part to achieve this goal.

How fair is "fair"?

We know from our work that it is important to reflect and consider different points of view. This also applies to us and to our company name. fair is an adjective in English and German.

In German, it means respecting the rights of others. That is what we want to convey.

In English it has many meanings, including: following the rules, treating everyone equally, favoring no one.
But in relation to hair and skin, it also the meaning of light (in color).

Although somewhat dated, the word "fair" in English is connected to Eurocentric notions of beauty, to racism, and to colorism (favoring of lighter skin colors).

This is not what we want our company name to convey, and we are aware that the word fair has multiple meanings and definitions. In both English and German, it expresses that we stand for fairness in communication.

Our critical engagement with our name also represents for an on-going learning process for us. It's a reminder that how we use language is multifaceted, and that we must continue to question our biases and how we see the world.

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