Fairlanguage in simple language

Hello, we are Fairlanguage.

Here you can learn more about our company Fairlanguage.
And about the people who work at Fairlanguage.
And about the things we do at Fairlanguage.

At the moment, we do not yet offer our work in plain language. Therefore, you will not find any information about our services in plain language yet.

You can contact us.
If you are missing information.
Or if you have any questions.


What does the Fairlanguage team do?

We are a company.
We know a lot about inclusive communication.
That means: All people should be well informed.
And all people should be able to have a good say.
And all people should be included in the language.
We also know a lot about anti-racist communication.
That means we know how not to judge people on the basis of their origin.
And how not to judge people based on their appearance.
We are also well versed in gender-sensible communication.
That means: We know how to treat all genders equally.

In our work we do, for example:
- lectures
- trainings
- consultations

Here people learn:
- What is inclusive language.
- How can I use inclusive language.
- How can I use language without prejudice.
- How can I use language for all genders.
- How can I use language without racism.

After that, people are better at inclusive language.

We also create documents.
The documents explain how people can communicate inclusively and gender-inclusive .

We read through texts and correct them so that the texts are not discriminatory.

Who is on the Fairlanguage team?

A list with all team members can be found here.

This is important to us.

We think:
Language determines our actions.
That is why it is important:
Our language should not have any unfairness.
Some people are discriminated against consciously or unconsciously.
That means: other people treat them worse.
This can also happen through language.
This is bad for people to whom this happens.
These people then have to overcome even more obstacles.
And they have fewer chances in life.
We want to get everyone interested in inclusive language.
We don't forbid anything.
We want to inspire all people.
We want to help people:
So that they have more respect for other people.
So that they show more consideration for others.
So that they break down barriers.
And not build new barriers.

Where does the name Fairlanguage come from?

What should our company be called?
We have thought about that a lot.
We had many ideas.
We decided on the name Fairlanguage.
Fairlanguage means:
We want to make language fairer.
We believe in a fair society.
All people should be able to be part of it.
Inclusive communication is our contribution to this.

How fair is the word "fair"?

We are always learning new things.
This is important for us.
Our company name is also English and German.
Fair in German means both just and good.
In German it means:
Respecting other people and their rights.

In English, there are many meanings for fair.
For example:
All people are equal.
No one is treated better.
The skin and hair are fair.

The word "fair" means: just, clean, orderly.
But it also has another meaning.
The word "fair" also means: beautiful.

In Europe there is prejudice against people with dark skin.
And light skin is often found more beautiful than dark skin.
This is not right.
We want to:
- be fair
- be just

The word fair means something different in English and in German.
But it also means "just" in both languages.
We want fairness in communication.
We keep thinking about language.
We want to understand better and better:
What does it really mean?
How do we use language?
What prejudices do we have?.

What is inclusive communication?

We think about how to talk to and about people without hurting them or treating them badly.
That's what we call sensitive language.
We want to tell you about it.
Our language influences our thoughts.
Our thoughts decide what we do.
We need to pay attention to our language.
Unfortunately, people are not treated equally.
Because there is injustice in our society.
Some people are treated worse because of their gender.
Some people are treated badly because they have a disability.
Some people are treated badly because of the way they look and where they come from.
For our society to be just, we need to be careful about how we talk about people.
We must not exclude anyone or use words that hurt people.
We must let everyone have a say.
People must be able to decide for themselves how we talk about them.

What is gender-sensible communication?

Some people are treated worse than others because of their gender.

For example:
- women
- people who are not a man and a woman
- people who are a man and a woman at the same time
- people who are a man for a time and a woman for a time in their lives

This is unfair.

Language can help us so that all genders are treated fairly.
There are many more genders than man and woman.
But our language doesn't always show that.
Often we only speak and write in a way that shows men in the language.
That is not right.
That's why we need to change the language.
So we can talk about all people the way they want to be talked about.

Talking well about disability

What is Ableism?

with disabilities are often treated worse.
This is called Able-ism.
People with disabilities are often judged just because of their disability.

For example:
- They can't walk.
- They can't see.
- They behave differently socially.

Language that doesn't treat people with disabilities poorly
This is what we can do: make
content easier.
Then all people can read along and have their say.
Remembering that different people can do different things.
Respecting that not all people think alike.
People with disabilities want to decide for themselves how they are talked about.
We should not just talk about them, but ask them what words are right for them.

What does language have to do with racism?

People are treated unfairly.
For example, because they come from a different country.
Or because they have a certain skin color.
The word for this injustice is: racism.

Racism has been around for a long time.
There are many different kinds of racism.

We say: racism is a kind of injustice.
Injustice means: some people get more rights than other people.
For example, some people don't get to talk as much as other people.
And some people are offended by certain words.
That's injustice.
And that is violence.
That's why we have to fight against racism.
We have to make sure: all people get the same rights.
Nobody is insulted or hurt.
And all people are allowed to speak equally often.
You want to learn more about anti-racist language?
Then you can do a workshop with us.

What is non-binary? What are pronouns?

Many people think:
You can tell the gender of a person by their appearance.
Or by their name.
Or by their voice.

But that's not true.
Only the person themselves knows: this is my gender.

Some people are non-binary.
That is, they are not a man or a woman.

Many people think:
There are only 2 pronouns for people in German: he and she.

But that's not true.
There are other pronouns.
And not all people use he or she as a pronoun.

Only one person himself knows:
That's what I want to be called.
That is my pronoun.

People who are non-binary do not use he or she.
For example, they have the pronoun: he_she.
Or they have the pronoun: nin.
Or they have the pronoun: hen.
Or they have the pronoun: it.
Or they have the pronoun: dey.

Some people also do not use pronouns but only their own name.

People sometimes use the wrong pronoun for other people.
This is unfortunate and hurts those people.

You can ask people:
What pronoun do you use?
How may I address you?

How to reach us

Need help with inclusive communication and fair language?
Or have questions?
Then contact us.
We're here to help.

Call us
You are welcome to call us.
We'll help you on the phone too.
This is our phone number:

0621 122 958 95

Write us an e-mail
Some people are shy on the phone.
That means they don't like to talk on the phone.
That's okay with us.
You are welcome to email us.
Our email address is:


Write us a letter‍
You can also write us a letter.
Or send us a postcard.
The address for this is:

Fairlanguage - GFGK Gesellschaft für gerechte Kommunikation mbH
L9, 11
68161 Mannheim

Or you can reach us via our contact form

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